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Carry forward the spirit of the Asian Games and build Asian strength
Source:  DateAndTime:2023/10/4 17:25:15&nsbp; Hits:321

Carry forward the spirit of the Asian Games and build Asian strength

This is the time for the world and Asia!

The opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games with the general theme of "Rising tide Asia" was held in Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium on the evening of 23. After watching the opening ceremony, people from many countries said that the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games fully demonstrated the characteristics of "humanistic, green, intelligent, simple and beneficial to the people", and integrated the beauty of science and technology and art. I believe that this sports event by the West Lake will build a broader platform for peace and friendship in Asia, gather stronger forces for Asian unity and progress, and promote the Asian region to work together. Jointly build a community with a shared future for Asia and mankind.