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Brics cooperation has become more successful and more attractive
Source:  DateAndTime:2023/9/5 15:07:31&nsbp; Hits:479
Brics cooperation has become more successful and more attractive."
Our reporter Zou Song
Source: People's Daily Online

 From August 22 to 24, the 15th BRICS Summit was held in Johannesburg, South Africa.Farhana Paluk, head of the Gordon Institute of Business Science at the University of Pretoria in South Africa, said in an interview with this reporter that the theme of this year's BRICS leaders' meeting is "BRICS and Africa: Deepening partnership, promoting each other's growth, achieving sustainable development, strengthening inclusive multilateralism", which provides an important opportunity for Africa to accelerate its integration into the world development process.

    Paluk believes that win-win cooperation is an important driving force for the continuous development and expansion of the BRICS cooperation mechanism."Brics countries represent the interests of developing countries.The BRICS cooperation mechanism has been growing and has become an important platform for cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries.Africa is the continent with the largest concentration of developing countries, and BRICS countries and Africa are natural partners."Paruk said that the African continent is rich in resources, but some countries are still plagued by instability such as poverty and instability.Therefore, African countries expect the BRICS Summit to further promote solidarity and cooperation, safeguard the common interests of developing countries, and promote the development of the international political and economic order in a more just and reasonable direction.
    "This BRICS summit will bring more development opportunities to African countries, promote African countries' better integration into economic globalization and promote the common development of African countries," Paluk said.
    Paluk believes that BRICS countries, as important emerging markets and developing countries, have made important contributions to promoting the international community to practice genuine multilateralism."After 17 years of development, BRICS cooperation has become more effective and more attractive."
    Paluk said that at the BRICS Summit, BRICS leaders agreed to invite Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran and Ethiopia to become members of the BRICS family, and the BRICS cooperation mechanism has become an important platform for emerging market countries and developing countries to share opportunities and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.We believe that the BRICS cooperation mechanism will play a more important role in the international arena.
    Paluk spoke highly of China's commitment to openness and inclusiveness and its efforts to promote common global development.Driven by China, Saudi Arabia and Iran restored diplomatic relations, driving a "reconciliation wave" in the Middle East.Paluk believes that this sets an example for resolving conflicts and differences between countries through dialogue and consultation, and also proves that China is a fair and equitable mediator."China looks at issues from the perspective of development, deepens practical cooperation with other countries in an open and inclusive manner, and plays an important role in promoting South-South cooperation, which is one of the important reasons why the 'circle of friends' of BRICS countries keeps expanding."
(Johannesburg, August 25)
People's Daily (Page 03, August 26, 2023)