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China foreign trade has broad development space
Source:  DateAndTime:2023/8/11 17:41:24&nsbp; Hits:436


China's foreign trade has broad development space for "stabilizing while improving quality"
-- Interview with Cui Weijie, Vice President of the International Trade and Economic Cooperation Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce
  Cui Weijie, Vice President of the International Trade and Economic Cooperation Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, stated in an interview with People's Daily Online that, the long-term positive fundamentals of China's foreign trade development have not changed.
  By constantly reducing the negative list of foreign investment access, building a high-level free trade zone network, and solidly promoting the construction of the "the Belt and Road", China has continued to expand the "circle of friends" and other measures, continuously improving the level of openness, helping enterprises expand the market, stabilize orders, and expanding the space for foreign trade development. At the same time, China has a strong domestic market with a combination of "consumption+import+investment", and its foreign trade development is resilient.